
Rikshem is owned by AMF Tjänstepension AB and the Fourth Swedish National Pension Fund. Rikshem is a significant borrower in the Swedish market and regularly issues commercial papers and bonds

The total external interest-bearing liabilities as of 30 June 2024 amounted to MSEK 28,926.

Financing type

Outstanding amount

Percentage of interestbearing liabilities

Commercial papers, SEK 2,185 8
Secured bank loans, SEK  5,580 19
Unsecured loans, SEK 1,144 4
Bonds, SEK  12,542 43
Bonds, NOK 5,274 18
Bonds, EUR 1,407 5
Bonds, AUD 563 2
Bonds, JPY 231 1
Totalt 28,926  100


Rikshem works closely with banks and credit institutions in order to ensure long-term, diversified financing. Rikshem’s financing department is responsible for managing Rikshem’s financial transactions and risks.

Credit rating

Rikshem has an A3 credit rating with stable outlook from the credit rating agency Moody’s. The rating was confirmed by Moody’s in November 2024. Link to Moody's report.